Sunday, August 15, 2010

post 3

ideas from pg 204-205, Instead of worrying about how to please them try and think how to draw them into doing more with their faith.Tell them about how wonderful God is , share some wonderful memory you have experienced encounter with God. Try something different if the sermon is to difficult for them to understand.Often people complain a lot about the sermon when it is too long or something that does not interest them, we hear others who would comment that their souls are hungry, that is why they are not satisfied, I guess we can use of symbols like what Jesus did in his form of teachings, using examples can make people understand and be aware of the audience because some examples are not relevant to the audience. For example, create a scenario or role play then use it in a sermon, hoping the people can identify the differences and embrace what is good and helpful to their lives and recognize the goodness of God.

1 comment:

  1. I heard so many times people saying the sermon was "empty" and that they didn't get anything out of it. I think it is also very important to get to know your audience. Everyone comes from a different backgrounds. I believe we need to take this into account while preparing for the message.
